Energy crisis - incentive for more efficiency?
Rely on existing technologies now
Episode 1/4
Energy crisis: Is the energy supply of industry in danger?
Who would have thought that we in Germany and Europe would have to talk about energy rationing again? But this fall and winter, and in the months ahead, it could become a reality. The public discussion mainly revolves around the energy supply side. Everyone stares spellbound at gas levels, coal orders and fuel elements in the nuclear reactors. In politics, many questions remain unanswered: Will gas come from Qatar in the future? When will the U.S. deliver liquefied natural gas to Europe? Can the Norwegians deliver more and faster? Will politicians now extend the operating life of nuclear power plants again? And how much coal will we convert into electricity in the future?
Green Deal - just hype or a real goal?
You may remember: Even before the pandemic, Europe had prescribed itself a Green Deal. Little has happened since then. Are society and industry becoming increasingly accustomed to coal-fired power generation, to expensive liquefied gas, or will fracking be taking place in Lower Saxony? The energy demand side must finally speak up and must consequently use all of its options to make the energy supply for households and industry more efficient and, above all, sustainable. Suitable technologies have long been available. In the current situation, fueled by rapidly rising energy prices, the investment in these new technologies pays for itself even faster. This ensures resilience in the economy, but also in private households. The current season of Torque – The Drive Podcast highlights opportunities for greater energy efficiency and electrification in industry.
Let's overcome the energy crisis: solutions for industry

Many current discussions focus on the price increases faced by industry and households. Meanwhile, private households are receiving energy-saving tips on every corner to help them get through the winter months safely. But what about industry and commerce? Here, too, a great deal of energy could be saved now if those responsible were to rely on the right technologies that are already available.
There are numerous measures available to industry for greater energy efficiency in processes and buildings. Energy carriers such as green hydrogen will also play an increasingly important role in the industrial energy supply mix in the future. It offers an interesting alternative for many applications and industries.
The current season of Torque – The Drive Podcast from Danfoss Drives highlights the topic of energy supply with a view to the demand side. In the four episodes, experts from industry and science talk about technologies that can secure the industry’s energy supply and put it on a more sustainable footing. This relieves the burden on companies and the environment. It will also address Europe’s pioneering role in the production of green hydrogen and the challenges that renewable energies and mobile, decentralized storage technologies pose to the supply network.
Energy crisis - An incentive for more efficiency?
All episodes of the podcast season at a glance
In the podcast season "Energy crisis – incentive for more efficiency?" we go on an energy efficiency journey – from green hydrogen to storage technologies and DC supply in industry. For this, we have invited lots of energy experts. They explain how the industry must position itself technologically for the next few years and what should be done in terms of energy policy.
Episode 2/4 of this podcast season welcomes Sebastian Weckmann, Head of the Industrial Energy Systems Department at Fraunhofer IPA, and Helge Vandel Jensen, Director Business Development Electrification at Danfoss Drives, who are absolute experts in new ways of industrial energy supply. What energy sources can we use in the future? How quickly will the energy supply transformation succeed? What can industrial companies do now? Episode 2/4 provides answers to this.
The whole world is talking about green hydrogen: In episode 3/4 of the season, host Robert Weber talks to Jochen Bard from the Fraunhofer Institute about this special energy carrier. Will Europe become the hydrogen champion through self-production? Or will we import green hydrogen? If so, from where, and how can it be transported? Danfoss specialist Damir Alihodzic complements with expertise around the production of the hydrogen, the so-called electrolysis. He knows what technology is used to build big electrolysers and shares that knowledge with you in the podcast episode.
Last but not least, the season finale with Egon Schubert from Innofas and Reiner Kaiser from Danfoss Drives offers a very good and deep insight into the world of decentralized energy storage technology. What about the stability of our power grid? What can storage facilities contribute here? How, and above all how quickly, can companies integrate decentralized storage? That’s what host Robert Weber discusses with his guests in this episode.
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