Efficient building technology serves to increase and guarantee the comfort and safety of a building’s occupants. It also makes a significant contribution to greater energy efficiency and a reduction in operating costs through higher-level control systems.

Modern building technology focuses on integrated systems that communicate with each other and complement each other. This takes place via networked systems that are linked by means of common protocols via a control level, which also monitors the overall system. Intelligent components with a wide range of functions, such as the Danfoss VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102, achieve optimum energy efficiency and at the same time a high degree of flexibility and operability of the various drives. They also allow access to locally installed sensors in order to obtain a detailed report on the overall system at any time.

Building technology is divided into six groups:

  1. Technical equipment of buildings: includes all technical installations and facilities required to supply a building with gas, water, wastewater and the disposal of wastewater and rainwater.
  2. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning: includes all technical systems and equipment required for heating water and supplying air and heat to a building.
  3. Electrical engineering: refers to all electrical systems and equipment that are important for the operation of the building (e.g. power supply, lighting, electrical heating and electrical drives).
  4. Elevator, conveyor and storage technology: for example in the food and beverage industry.
  5. User-specific systems: for example in the laundry and cleaning systems, waste and paper disposal system.
  6. Fire protection and safety technology: describes all technical systems and equipment that are relevant for monitoring and controlling the building’s technical systems (e.g. fire alarm systems or monitoring systems).