The most common form is isobarometric filling. With this method, the pressure for keg, bottle and can filling corresponds to the pressure of the storage container. The same pressure is generated in the bottle as in the beer kettle, so that the beer flows into the bottle only under its own weight and without foaming or losing carbon dioxide. This pressure is generated by pre-pressurizing with CO2, which soaks back into the ring bowl through the incoming beer. To prevent the residual oxygen from remaining in the bottle, the beer must be briefly foamed over at the end of the filling process and then quickly sealed. When filling cans, the foam head must also be filled. To achieve the most uniform foam filling and bottom lid gassing possible, it makes sense to use innovative volumetric filling, in which magnetic inductive flow meters precisely determine the filling quantity. Gap-free tulip seals with bellows made of PTFE (Teflon) are suitable for this purpose. These prevent water smearing, which would lead to droplet formation and entry into the open cans. The use of PTFE also reduces the transfer of flavors and aromas during product changeovers, enabling flexible production.